Charlie Jackman is a proud autistic young person, an artist and an entrepreneur.
Diagnosed with autism at the age of three, as a small child Charlie did not enjoy picking up a paint brush! From that time, he has grown into a capable and enthusiastic artist with a distinctive eye for detail and colour. Charlie would love to be a famous autistic artist.
Established in 2019, Charlie by Art is a microenterprise celebrating Charlie’s art, creativity and individual endeavour. In 2025, when Charlie turned 18, Charlie by Art became 'Charlie Jackman'.
Charlie has had art pieces commissioned by Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews and Federal Minister for the NDIS, Bill Shorten. He has also been acknowledged with a range of awards, most recently the Victorian Young Achiever Award People's Choice, a Macedon Ranges Youth Award, an Edstart Achievement Award in Visual and Performing Arts and as a participant in the Disability Pride Project of the Youth Disability Advocacy Service.
Travelling along the autism road, Charlie has been fortunate to have the wonderfully affirming experience of having his individual strengths celebrated alongside other talented autistic young people. Charlie's microenterprise was born from these experiences. 'Charlie Jackman' sells beautiful greeting cards and celebrates art and creativity, but primarily exists so that Charlie can learn important life and entrepreneurial skills.